Anne and Bob - Trip to Japan - March 17-April 5, 2016 (if you click on the pictures you will usually get a larger version)
March 29-31, 2016
Tuesday, March 29 - This was another more local day when we combined shopping with learning how the bus system works by taking a couple of trips. You get on (by the back door if there is one), take a ticket by the door, watch the yens under your number at the front of the bus, and when you get off pay the amount under your number. Later we walked along the Miyasan-non-kawa
Wednesday, March 30 - This was our first day to use our seven day Japanese Rail pass which is only available to foreigners and must be bought before entering Japan and I'll start this page with a couple of pictures of the bullet trains we traveled on - very quickly. The cars were numbered (up to 16) and they always stopped with the correct number in front of the correct place where people stood in line.
In Kyoto we mostly wandered the streets and visited a couple of shrines. |
Thursday, March 31 - We took a day trip (about 2 hours each way) to Hiroshima where we spent quite a while at the peace exhibition. Hiroshima is of course best known as the place where the first atomic bomb exploded. The entire area which was wiped out by the explosion was converted into a peace monument. The museum is focused upon the horrendous devastation that the bomb created in an attempt to convince people that war should be completely avoided. After the peace museum we had a short tour of Hiroshima castle. |