Anne and Bob - Trip to Grand Canyon - June 6-28, 2016
(if you open individual pictures in a new tab you can get a larger version)
Thursday, June 21 we awoke in Lindsay, almost back at sea level and Anne went for her morning run. I found the local high school and trained on their track. It felt completely different from the previous week at high altitude. My trip back from the track to the motel took me by fields and fields of orange trees as well as a plant where they produced orange juice.
The first pictures on this page are actually from our trip down from the larger mountains on Wednesday, where the vegetation started to change from more or less bare desert to larger cactuses and then fruit as well as oil drilling. Then we went looking for the Sherman Tree, noted as the largest tree in the world. It turned out to be high up at 2 200 m above sea level, a climbing twisting ascent from Lindsay. Sherman is 54.9 meters high, 31 meters circumference, 11 meters diameter, 1,487 cubic meters, 1,256 metric tons. It is situated in the Sequoia Park. |
Going up to the Sequoia at 2100m
Coming down on June 21
These trees were larger than they look in the pictures
The size of the Sherman can be compared to
Anne at the bottom left |