Anne and Bob - Trip to Grand Canyon - June 6-28, 2016
(if you open individual pictures in a new tab you can get a larger version)
(if you open individual pictures in a new tab you can get a larger version)
Wednesday, June 13 - We travelled 356 km from the south rim (2100 m above sea level) of the Grand Canyon to Kaibib Lodge north of the north rim of the Grand Canyon. On the way we saw more of the Arizona desert including some buildings and a bit of the Colorado River. We stopped for quite while at a “Watch Tower” that was built to resemble how such towers were built by the native American Indians many years ago. Inside it was painted and constructed to show some of the Indian culture. In the picture group named “signs” you can find more information.
So far this trip, we have travelled over 1 948 km since we left the Los Angeles airport. I (Bob) have “run” three times: the first a track workout in Los Angeles, the second at the south rim (2100 m) at the third one at Kailib lodge where staggering around the 3 km on the “meadow” at 2676 m above sea level wiped me out! |
Watch tower - within and without
Arizona desert between South Rim and North Rim of the Grand Canyon